The Lord blessed me on July 12th, 2008 when I married my best friend Markus. We met when I was 18 and he was 22. At the time I was working the nightshift at Waffle House. He came in a little before midnight and started playing music for the employees on his computer. I walked over to him and said "thank you". About two years later on May 5, 2007 he proposed over dinner. On February 13th, 2008 my dear fiance left and went to Basic Combat Training at Ft Jackson in South Carolina. He graduated May 2nd and then was sent to Advanced Individual Training at Ft Lee in Virginia. He graduated early June and about a month later we were married. Two days after our wedding we had to report to Ft Stewart in Hinesville, GA. We stayed there for 2 weeks were we lived in a lovely "roach motel". But finally we were given orders to report to Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, GA. We were given 10 days to offically move down and we had our first Home as Mr and Mrs Berg on August 1st 2008. Everyday something new and exciting happens. I just finished performing in the musical "Company" with the Savannah Community Theatre. I plan to perform in more musicals when I bring my weight down. But most of all my husband and I long to start a family. Because of my PCOS I currently cannot conceive a child. I am very excited about being able to finally lose all this extra weight so that our dreams can come true.